Monday 13 July 2015

Week 5

This weeks lecture discussed how to be inclusive towards different groups of people whether it be gender, ethnicity or disabilities. It talks about different methods of being inclusive such as options for the colour blind and making any event accessible to handicapped people. Personally looking at this it all really just seems way too PC. The lecture even says “Cultural appropriation is bad”. Cultural appropriation couldn't be further from bad, for hundreds if not thousands of years different cultures have been taking elements from different cultures and fusing it with their own, British and their love of tea? Tea comes from china. And countries like Australia, America and New Zealand are literal melting pots for different cultures and now its a bad thing? The current push for political correctness is deeply concerning because often people cannot criticize a race, religion or gender or even just voice their opinions. When someone is told that they can’t say something because it might offend someone, so what? Let them be offended. Everyone is entitled to say whatever the hell they want. Example: Westboro Baptist church, a bunch of homophobic nuts if you ask me who do nothing but spew hate, but they’re allowed to, it is their right, specifically as Americans, that they have freedom of speech and it shouldn't be taken away from them. Though they deserve to be called out when they have a stupid opinion. If you want a good idea of what political correctness can do to countries look at Sweden and their immigration policy. Look here for some information:

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