Monday 13 July 2015

Week 6

This weeks lecture discussed how to use social networking to our advantage and make the best of what’s available to us, such as the free alternatives when we couldn't afford. It also discussed how to present yourself on the internet, in a manner that will show potential employers that you are worth employing, showing how you are professional. After listening to, and reading the after part about Phil Fish. Would I have done the same if I was him? Definitely not. He is an arsehole and the way he responded to fans however, is still idiotic. You would never need to insult fans back if you weren't an arsehole. However I'm sure I would often voice opinions on things that would get me in trouble with idiots like extremist feminists etc., even if they weren't worded or meant to be offended. Someone, somewhere will find a way to be offended. Like in the lecture though you can’t please everyone, and no one likes people who try to. I learnt how to present myself online in a professional yet informal approach as well as a lesson of how to not be hated by everyone.

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